2021 #AlpineTXPhoto Contest

Winner of the 2021 HL Kokernot, Jr. Memorial Award ($500)

 “Beneath the Light” by Lori Reynolds

“Such a beautiful capture. There were so many awesome elements that scream Alpine with rain I had to choose it. So amazing to see everything we love in one image. Beautifully shot, lovely and peaceful. I love the random Black-eyed Susan in the middle that really anchored the image with the moon for me. It is a shot that we all pray for when it comes to rain and our love of our beautiful area. Great job! Congratulations!!”

—Rachael Waller
2021 Alpine TX Photo Contest Judge

2021 HL Kokernot, Jr. Memorial Award ($500)

 “Beneath the Light” by Lori Reynolds

2021 Henry Charles Trost Memorial Award ($100)

“Sunday Morning Dusty Pronghorn” by David Winslow

2021 Twin Sisters Award ($50)

 “Love is in the Air” by Nicola Gell

2021 Hancock Hill Award ($50)

“The Guardian” by Cheyenne Marta

2021 “A” Mountain Award ($50)

“Sunshine” by Vicki LeBlanc