The 5th Heaven 2 Hell Motorcycle Ride is an incredible trip through the rugged, majestic beauty of Far West Texas. Setting out from staging grounds in biker-friendly Alpine on September 24th, the group goes out to spend the day revving engines and riding on the finest blacktop roads any motorcyclist in the Lone Star State could ever ask for.
This year’s Heaven 2 Hell motorcycle ride has a special significance. Earlier this year, wildfires ravaged the area, affecting ranches, businesses, entire towns and much of the scenic offerings. The natural beauty is recovering nicely, but the fires taxed the firefighting teams of the community heavily. Heaven 2 Hell will be working with the Ft. Davis Volunteer Fire Department to help recoup their expenses in providing much of the widespread wildfire relief efforts.
Heaven 2 Hell is an fee-based event limited to 100 total participants. Get more information on the ride and download a registration form at the Alpine Chamber of Commerce web site, or call them at (432) 837-1070.