2016 Alpine TX Photo Contest

Winner of the 2016 Twin Sisters Award ($50)

“Playing after an Afternoon Rain Shower” by Heather Handley

“This image is timeless in its color, composition, and theme. This could be Alpine in 1976 or 2016. I was attracted to the soft light on the skin, the patterns of puddles, and the diagonal line taking you into the distant horizontal lines.”

—Crystal Allbright
2016 Alpine TX Photo Contest Judge

2016 HL Kokernot, Jr. Memorial Award ($500)

“Alone in the Storm” by Santiago Salomon

2016 Henry Charles Trost Memorial Award ($100)

“Endless Highway” by Angie Randolph

2016 Twin Sisters Award ($50)

“Playing after an Afternoon Rain Shower” by Heather Handley

2016 Hancock Hill Award ($50)

“Birdy Homes” by John B. Davis

2016 “A” Mountain Award

“Our Lady of Peace” by Charity Peña