Alpine Dark Skies Celebration- Star Party

05apr8:00 pm10:30 pm8:00 pm - 10:30 pm(GMT-05:00) Alpine Dark Skies Celebration- Star PartyKokernot Park, 1500 Fighting Buck Ave, Alpine, TX 79830

Event Details

Join us for 2 days of celebrating the amazing night sky here in the Big Bend Dark Sky Reserve, Friday April 5th and Saturday April 6th.

2 chances to enjoy a Star Party right here in Alpine!
Friday and Saturday Night
Bring a lawn chair or blanket to the Kokernot Park  Soccer Field and find your spot for a walk through the stars.
Led by McDonald’s Observatory Dark Sky Expert Stephen Hummel.
Arrive between 8:30 and 9pm. The star viewing will once dark sets in.
On Friday evening a special treat before the the star gazing begins will be music from Chuck Wilson and the Big Bend Brass!

Saturday April 6th join us at the Alpine Visitor Center to see how you can help save our dark sky!
Come anytime from 1-4pm to see McDonald’s Observatory Light Simulator, Examples of proper outdoor lighting fixtures, get the basics on the City of Alpine Light Ordinance, and Texas Masters Naturalist will have information on how light pollution effects wildlife.

And 2 pm is fun for kids with “Out of this World” story time with Mary Beth from Alpine Public Library. Followed by games, painting and coloring projects for all ages.

Also on Saturday afternoon two of our favorite things come together as work is set to begin on the next addition to the Alpine Alley Art. Muralist Monty Welt will begin prepping and painting the wall to the east of the Visit Alpine Pavilion. This mural will celebrate our dark skies and Alpine’s designation as a Texas Music Friendly Community. The mural is designed to complement the howling wolf carved by chainsaw artist and musician Doug Moreland in 2022.

Alpine Troubadour Neil Trammell will be serenading the crowd as Monty begins the mural. The fundraising for the mural was a joint project with Viva Big Bend. We are still in our final push for funding. A $25 donation on Saturday gets you a Music Friendly t-shirt!


End the evening with MUSIC… Musician Under the Stars In a Circle.
Anyone is welcome to join Desert Debo as she leads a music jam session on the Visitor Center lawn starting at 8:30pm.
If you play bring your instrument or just come enjoy the music!



April 5, 2024 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm(GMT-06:00)


Kokernot Park

1500 Fighting Buck Ave, Alpine, TX 79830

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